
RIS-ALiCE: Al-rich industrial residues for mineral binders in ESEE region

RIS-ALiCE National workshop – Serbia

The national workshop of the Serbian research team RIS-ALiCE (18258) was held on Friday, 25. 10. 2019. at the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Science, University of Belgrade (VINS). The organization included the Laboratory for Materials Sciences, the Laboratory for Atomic Physics and the Laboratory of Radiation and Environmental Protection. The participants of the national workshop had the opportunity to get acquainted with the RIS-ALiCE project, as well as the possibility of involving students in RIS-ALiCE research activities through the preparation of graduate, master's and PhD theses. A training school was announced to be implemented under the auspices of the RIS-ALiCE project, which aroused great interest among students. The national workshop was attended by students from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Geography and president of the NGO Science and Education Center for Children and Youth. Representatives of Serbian electrical corporation (EPS) supported the RIS-ALiCE project. As part of the national workshop, the students visited the laboratories participants of the RIS-ALiCE (18258) project and were very surprised by the size of the Institute and they were fascinated with existing equipment.


Figure 1: Organizer of National workshop Serbia – RIS-ALiCE project


Figure 2: Visit to Laboratory for Atomic Physics, VINS


Figure 3: Visit to Laboratory for Atomic Physics, VINS